Born in Mexico City with no indigenous roots and no European roots. Suricata, works since 2012 trying to create a link between underground electronic music, classical music and orally transmitted music.
He goes out to the world using ethno-musical historical archives from indigenous communities from Mexico and everyday sounds from his field recorder while playing piano and other self constructed DIY instruments to search for an afro/indo/latin electronic identity.
His music and sound work explores identity and rituality, mixing cultural references and echoes of the social inequalities of the world. He creates cynic and satirical mirrors that challenges today’s blind search for dopamine aesthetic suicide. To remind ourselves to break the barriers that make us live with fear of feeling.
Constructing contemplative and active listening mediums he designs modern rituals and protest acts while also creating pieces for the context of rave culture, where music’s communal character and collective interdependence is more present.
Co-Producer and Composer of DJ Sobrio (2017) Mexican house music project that links underground culture icons to the context of festivals and clubs.
Currently living in Paris.
Has remixed works for Róisín Murphy, DJ Koze, Nubya García, Johannes Klingebiel.
Published with: DrecordsMX, PNN, Core, Ancient Future Now, Dest_Rec, Concord Jazz, Bloomer Records
Original Scores:
2020 “Cindy La Regia” dir. Catalina Aguilar Mastretta
2023 “Honey to the Moon” dir. Rob Wood Cox.
2017 “Paria” dir. Pablo Fuentes
2018 “Tábano” dir. Pablo Fuentes
2022 “Bravas ” FIFA dir. Matias Malet
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Performed at many international venues and festivals, including, Gabricz , Core (Tulum), Bahidorá, Festival Solar, Bravo Festival, Chateau Perchè, Skalar, Bucht der Traumer, La Butineríe, La Horde, Fundation Fiminco, Poush, Lala Festival, EDC Mexico, Soul Festival , Moyn Moyn Festival, Departamento, Funk, Katerblaugh, Silencio, Festival Periférias (Madrid), and many more